Saturday, July 31, 2010

White Cat HBIC Review- Emily @ What Book is That?

Title: White Cat
Author: Holly Black
Page Count: 310 pages
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry
Genre: urban fantasy, young adult
Copy provided by Around the World Tours in anticipation of an honest review

50 words or less: What if magic were purely biological, and curses could be transferred just by touching someone? Cassel's entire family knows all about that, except him- all he wants is to be left alone. Turns out that's way too much to ask.

White Cat is one of those books that, upon completion, I immediately started planning which of my friends would receive it as a gift. It's a smart, sassy book that creates a unique world, a veritable motley crew of characters, and leaves the door wide open for a series that promises to be just as engaging as this, the introductory volume.

Cassel just can't catch a break. His entire family, from his grandpa to his parents to his brothers, are all curse workers; they can make stuff happen to people just by touching them. Cassel doesn't have this ability, which makes him kind of an outcast amongst his con artist family. They love him, sure, but at the end of the day he's an outsider. As a result, he has to find more orthodox ways to get his fix of criminal activity.

Cassel is pulled in all different directions throughout the book- between guilt and absolution (killing your first love does a number on your sense of self worth, apparently,) between legitimacy and the con, between truth and lies, between family and his sense of self. Cassel hasn't had the greatest role models in terms of how to interact with other people, either; he thinks that relationships are all defined in terms of power and that manipulating people is the only way to shore up his position. It doesn't ever occur to him that that's not how things have to be.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, good world building will suck me into a novel every time. The author creates a really believable set of rules for the curse workers and how their power works; I especially liked the inclusion of the element of blow back and how it was infused throughout the plot. Essentially, blowback is a portion of a curse that flows back to the curse worker. If they kill someone, a part of them dies too (Cassel's grandpa's hands are a hot mess because Grandpa is a death worker, his mom is an emotion worker who's an emotional basket case most of the time, and so on and so forth.)

Manipulation is definitely the name of the game in White Cat. Cassel manipulates people and also gets the hell manipulated out of him by his family. He finds out a lot of things that he was never supposed to know and is torn between feeling hurt and just letting things slide; as the story goes on and he realizes just how deep the still waters in his family really run, I think he's definitely veering to the hurt side. Cassel's family loves him, sure, but they have a funny way of showing it, and by trying to protect him, they ultimately denied him the information that would have kept him safe and allowed him to do things willingly instead of being coerced. The trouble with trying to play everyone is that you don't notice when you yourself are being played, and if I had to pick the theme that resonated most with me, that would be it.

Some people are going to get their skirts blown up by the cavalier attitude a lot of the characters have towards crime, towards death, towards drinking and/or drug use, but I think these elements were woven into the story with aplomb and made the entire setting seem legitimate. I don't think a mobster would think too much about whether or not he was being a good or moral person by doing the things he or she does; this story works its way through some pretty seedy situations and doesn't apologize for that.

There are more twists and turns in the story than I could count, and right up until the last page I was guessing at what would happen next. I'm hoping there won't be a long wait for the next installment in this story.

Overall Grade: A

August Titles Chosen

Book 1 - YA Title for August

Blood Law: A NovelBlood Law: A Novel by Jeannie Holmes
Review Deadline August 15th

 To stop a vampire killer, she’ll have to slay her own demons first.

A provocative and savvy vampire, Alexandra Sabian moves to the sleepy hamlet of Jefferson, Mississippi—population 6,000, half vampires—to escape the demons lurking in her past. As an enforcer for the Federal Bureau of Preternatural Investigations (FBPI), Alex must maintain the uneasy peace between her kind and humans, including Jefferson’s bigoted sheriff, who’d be happy to see all vampires banished from town. Then really dead vamps start turning up—beheaded, crucified, and defanged, the same gruesome manner in which Alex’s father was murdered decades ago. For Alex, the professional has become way too personal.

Things get even more complicated when the FBPI sends in some unnervingly sexy backup: Alex’s onetime mentor, lover, and fiancé, Varik Baudelaire. Still stinging from the betrayal that ended their short-lived engagement, Alex is determined not to give in to the temptation that soon threatens to short-circuit her investigation. But as the vamp body count grows and the public panic level rises, Varik may be Alex’s only hope to stop a relentless killer who’s got his own score to settle and his own bloody past to put right.

Purchase from {$7.74} {$6.39 kindle}
Purchase from Book Depository {$6.95}

Book 2 - YA Title for August


Generation DeadGeneration Dead by Daniel Waters

Review Deadline August 29th

 Phoebe Kendall is just your typical Goth girl with a crush. He's strong and silent...and dead.

All over the country, a strange phenomenon is occurring. Some teenagers who die aren't staying dead. But when they come back to life, they are no longer the same. Feared and misunderstood, they are doing their best to blend into a society that doesn't want them.

The administration at Oakvale High attempts to be more welcoming of the "differently biotic." But the students don't want to take classes or eat in the cafeteria next to someone who isn't breathing. And there are no laws that exist to protect the "living impaired" from the people who want them to disappear--for good.

When Phoebe falls for Tommy Williams, the leader of the dead kids, no one can believe it; not her best friend, Margi, and especially not her neighbor, Adam, the star of the football team. Adam has feelings for Phoebe that run much deeper than just friendship; he would do anything for her. But what if protecting Tommy is the one thing that would make her happy?

Purchase from {$8.99}
Purchase from Book Depository {$8.98}

If you find them for cheaper than BD & Amazon let us know!

HBIC White Cat Review

White Cat (Curse Workers, Book 1)White Cat by Holly Black
Review copy provided by publisher.

PJVs QUICKIE POV: A different take on magic, Holly Black wove a very compelling and surprisingly believable tale of black magic and crime families. My expectations were high leading into White Cat, and Black did not disappoint. Her characters were richly developed and the back-story well depicted and portrayed. White Cat spun a tale that had me engrossed from start to finish. This wasn’t a cuddly, romantic little YA novel though, and it’s sharp edges had me enjoying the ride even more.

REVIEW: The world of White Cat is set in an alternative reality, where magic workers, or what are called Curse Workers can lay hands upon someone and manipulate them. Whether they can manipulate their luck, their emotions, memories, or even transform them, depends on the worker. Luck workers are the most common, Transformation workers the most rare. The world wears gloves, because a bare hand can end your life...if you run into a Death Worker.

Cassel is from a long legacy of workers. His mother is in jail from an “Assault” that she did during a con. His brothers work for a crime family that employes workers to do their dirty work. Cassel isn’t a worker though, but the criminal gene does run strong within him. So much so, that at 14 he killed. He doesn’t even remember doing it, only that his best friend ended up dead and that some part of him enjoyed it.

This novel tasted like a Scorsese film. Gritty and real, it spread open a vile little view of black magic and shook it in your face until you became comfortable with it and kind of fell in love with Cassel and his neurosis. There were slight hints at romantic interludes, but personally I feel Cassel has to sort himself out before he finds his soulmate. Which is why I want to beat his mother with a baseball bat. Gotta love those crazy interfering ex-con parents.

A great read for fans for YA. If you are in a mood to step away from the cuddly werewolves and sex kitten witches... you might give White Cat a whirl.

RECOMMENDATIONS: There is a more mature theme to this novel, so I recommend it for older teens, 14+. Fans of Beautiful Creatures, The Iron Series by Julie Kagawa and grittier YAs like the Wicked Lovely series should enjoy.

Discussions questions from

1. Blacks characters pay a price for being powerful curse workers and experience a phenomenon called "blowback" whenever they worked someone. If you had a superpower but knew by using it you would experience a crippling side effect would you still use it?

Yup. Always wanted superpowers.

2. Family plays an important role in White Cat (Curse Workers) -- who did you like the most or the least in Cassel's family and why ??

I didn't like any of them and I think Cassel should say "Asta le pasta" to the entire clan.

3. What did you think about the entire world that Holly Black built? The gloves, the curses? Can you imagine a world like this where an uncovered hand could be a dangerous weapon?

I think Black's world was just crazy believable. It was a new spin on witchcraft and the repercussions were well thought out.

4. With family like this who needs enemies right? Is blood thicker than water? Or in this case should Cassel think about getting a name change and moving far far away from his familial bonds?

Cassel should change his name to Smith and move to like Idaho.

5. Do you think this book is a good set up for a sequel? If so, make your predictions.

I think if I'm not mistaken this is a trilogy. Red Glove is the second in this series.  Probably going to deal with his new found "love" and the release of his mother, which I'm sure will play havoc with his life.  Not to mention the discovery of his own powers...

Spoiler Question:

What did you think about Cassel's mother and the curse she worked in the last pages of the book? Cassel finally thinks he is getting some love...and wham-O!

I really wanted to beat the mom in the head.

HBIC Review White Cat by Holly Black

White Cat by Holly Black
May 4th 2010 by Margaret K. McElderry Publishing
Hardcover, 310 pages

Review Posted by Tina at Tinasbookreviews

Ridiculous Short Book Synopsis

Cassel is a mobster...a con man......a murderer oh and comes from a family of curse workers -- fun time people who can alter your emotions, thoughts and basically your entire status in life. While Cassel's family all has the gift of curse work at their fingertips, Cassel does not and since working people is highly illegal, the family lives life like The Sopranos. Tucked away in a school Cassel hides from his family behind his books and education...that is until he starts sleepwalking and gets kicked out..........................


If you have tasted Holly Blacks work before then you know she isn’t about rainbows and dog walks. Black writes to shock and take YA to the extreme……and I must say White Cat did not disappoint. Highly different from The Modern Faerie Tale, Black offers us a unique look into the world of mobsters with paranormal powers. After reading this I’m thankful Al Capone only had special powers in moving around drugs and pulling triggers………………….

Shortly after Cassel starts sleepwalking at school and keeps having dreams about a white cat desperate to get his attention (id say chewing your tongue out gives a hint) does the school decide to kick him out temporally to seek medical attention. Cassel then has to return home and stay with his curse-working brothers whose strange behavior and dark secrets slowly begin to pour out. Haunted by memories of killing his best friend Lila but not understanding why, Cassel soon gets a feeling that the biggest con the family is playing is the one surrounding him.

I think the world Black created was one of unique genius and believability. While most of the characters are unlikable even Cassel at times who manipulates and uses people, the story still manages to grab hold of the reader and not let go. Not that Black lets her characters run amuck or have fun in their illegal activities, deep betrayals rack the family and tear them up. Many of the relationships are double-sided and no one can truly be trusted because basically everyone is out for themselves. The biggest issue though concerning the curse work is the consequence of using it. Cassel’s family experience blowback whenever they work a curse….you know that idea in witchcraft that says whatever you send out comes back to you seven fold…….well curses work the same way in Blacks novel except they come back as a physical or mental damaging effect. Grandpa’s fingers are black, other family members have lost fingers, some have mental issues and others are seriously jacked up- working spouses or other loved ones.Even with this knowledge the family still chooses to use it. While they are rich and powerful they still pay the price and in the end the entire family has to account for the deceit and secrets……………

A twisty, mysterious world with a gangster feel that meets the paranormal and also has the creepy ability to put Janet Jackson's Black Cat in your head......


White Cat does not shy away from mature content including: Illegal activities (think mobsters) sexuality, violence, murder, drug and alcohol use/references, graphic language and witchcraft. Recommended to the mature teen (10th and up) and adult.

3/4- YA-Mobsters-Paranormal

BWB Discussion Questions

1.Blacks characters pay a price for being powerful curse workers and experience a phenomenon called "blowback" whenever they worked someone. If you had a superpower but knew by using it you would experience a crippling side effect would you still use it?

If it was for something good.....using power and lying will only get you so far until it crumbles...I mean look at the Freddy Mac...................then again I really really enjoy having fingers so maybe not.........

2.Family plays an important role in White Cat (Curse Workers) -- who did you like the most or the least in Cassel's family and why?

I didn't really care for any of Cassel's family- his brother worked his wife, the other one lies, while gramps had a few redeeming quality's in the end he was a liar too. 

3.What did you think about the entire world that Holly Black built? The gloves, the curses? Can you imagine a world like this where an uncovered hand could be a dangerous weapon?

Unique for sure as she took elements from witchcraft and mobsters and meshed them together.......I thought it wasn't a coincidence that the "laying on of hands" in her novel was the characters powers. Seeing how witchcraft in general is considered rebellion to many religious believers and laying hands on people signify the tools for blessing...its not a surprise Black would use this method as her source to signify curses using the same phrase that religious sectors use, thus creating a complete counterfeit.

4.With family like this who needs enemies right? Is blood thicker than water? Or in this case should Cassel think about getting a name change and moving far far away from his familial bonds?

I think Cassel needs a time out from the family....he needs to cut the cord and head to the mountains.......... 

5. Do think this book is a good set up for a sequel? If so, make your predictions.

Of course, there is never a lack of crime drama in the world...and now with mommy out of the pen, Lila being  alive and all and Cassel about to get some, I see book two right around the corner.  

And for a special spoiler question...

What did you think about Cassel's mother and the curse she worked in the last pages of the book? Cassel finally thinks he is getting some love...and wham-O!

I think mama needs shock treatment...............


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sign up for White Cat

July's YA Title is White Cat by Holly Black
Review Deadline: July 31st

White Cat (Curse Workers, Book 1)
White Cat by Holly Black

Cassel comes from a family of curse workers -- people who have the power to change your emotions, your memories, your luck, by the slightest touch of their hands. And since curse work is illegal, they're all mobsters, or con artists. Except for Cassel. He hasn't got the magic touch, so he's an outsider, the straight kid in a crooked family. You just have to ignore one small detail -- he killed his best friend, Lila, three years ago.

Ever since, Cassel has carefully built up a façade of normalcy, blending into the crowd. But his façade starts crumbling when he starts sleepwalking, propelled into the night by terrifying dreams about a white cat that wants to tell him something. He's noticing other disturbing things, too, including the strange behavior of his two brothers. They are keeping secrets from him, caught up in a mysterious plot. As Cassel begins to suspect he's part of a huge con game, he also wonders what really happened to Lila. Could she still be alive? To find that out, Cassel will have to out-con the conmen.

Holly Black has created a gripping tale of mobsters and dark magic where a single touch can bring love -- or death -- and your dreams might be more real than your memories.

Don't forget to put a BWB Banner on your review!

White Cat Discussion Questions

White Cat (Curse Workers, Book 1)White Cat by Holly Black Discussion Questions

  1. Blacks characters pay a price for being powerful curse workers and
    experience a phenomenon called "blowback" whenever they worked someone. If you had a superpower but knew by using it you would experience a crippling
    side effect would you still use it?
  2. Family plays an important role in White Cat (Curse Workers) -- who did you like the most or the least in Cassel's family and why ??
  3. What did you think about the entire world that Holly Black built? The gloves, the curses? Can you imagine a world like this where an uncovered hand could be a dangerous weapon?
  4. With family like this who needs enemies right? Is blood thicker than water? Or in this case should Cassel think about getting a name change and moving far far away from his familial bonds?
  5. Do think this book is a good set up for a sequel? If so, make your predictions

And for a special spoiler question...

What did you think about Cassel's mother and the curse she worked in the last pages of the book? Cassel finally thinks he is getting some love...and wham-O!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

eBites - Dangerous Exposure

Blog with Bite would like to introduce you to eBites

Join the eCraze and showcase your "Can't Wait For" eBooks with this weekly meme. presents eBites a showcase for your digital reading addiction.  What eBook are you dying to take a bite of?

This meme will run every Wednesday. Combine it with your WOW or do a stand alone post...just bring it on. 

For Light BGs For Dark BGs

Blog With Bite

Blog With Bite

This weeks eBite is:

Dangerous Exposure by Lina Gardiner

Dangerous Exposure by Lina Gardiner
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publish Date: Aug 4, 2010

If Angela Grace, reporter for The Postulator, hadn’t seen the gorgeous naked man with her own eyes—and shot some rousing photographs to boot—who would have believed her? Yet, there he stood in all his glory staring up at the full moon in the deep woods of the Colorado foothills. It wasn’t until the tabloid ran the titillating photo on the cover that she found out, Blaze Trent, reclusive millionaire in question, took issue with his privacy being sold to pay Angela’s rent. Worse, the article in her paper not only exposed him, but her wild speculations exposed the vulnerable wards he protected and put her life in unthinkable danger as well. But over night, Blaze changed everything Angela believed in and her world would never be the same again—without him.
(Pages 53) Spicy

Sipping a glass of wine and watching the moon rise above the forest on the opposite side of the lake, a wide ribbon of light spread across the water as if it were stretching itself out to her. She closed her eyes. In some ways, she could understand a full-grown man standing naked under a moon like that.
Unwanted images of his ultra-fit body thrust forward and she couldn’t help smiling at the visual in her head. One sight she’d probably never forget.

“Angela, don’t move a muscle,” Blaze Trent’s voice whispered from directly behind her.
Barely holding back a scream, she froze instantly. How’d he get there without her having heard or seen him? At that moment, she heard rustling in the tall grasses between her and the lake.

She blinked. Was it her imagination or were dark shapes moving toward her from the direction of the water? Suddenly, thankful that she wasn’t alone, she sucked in a quick breath and held it. She didn’t move... Fear rooted her to the spot.

Link up your eBites!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Best PNR Series...

Blog with Bite is kicking off a PNR feature at the beginning of August...and we want to know what you think!

Please let us know your favorite PNR series!

Give us your choices in the following categories:

  1. Vampires
  2. Wolves
  3. Faeries
  4. Angels/Demons
  5. Spirits, Ghosts, Ghouls
  6. Gods/Goddesses
  7. Young Adult
  8. Other paranormal choices...
Please comment your choices...

Also, authors if you would like to get involved in the PNR week and have your book featured during this feature...please email me parajunkee at

Winner of Crimson Moon

The winner of Crimson Moon by J.A. Saare is...

email me - parajunkee at within 48 hours! TY
If you didn't a great author by buying her book:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Vote for the August Adult Title!

Second verse, same as the first- all summaries are from Goodreads, please check library or store availability in your area and vote for the book that YOU personally want to acquire, read and review!

Zombie Moon by Lori Devoti- Caleb Locke lived for one thing—killing zombies. And this man—this legend—was exactly what Samantha Wagner needed. In mist-shrouded alleys, hunted by zombies, haunted by fear, she vowed to find Caleb and convince him to help her. But she hadn't counted on falling in love….

Caleb kept his own secrets—like the one he couldn't hide when the moon was full. But his wolf was drawn to Samantha, recognizing her as his mate. With her in his arms, Caleb reveled in passion…and rued his deception. Would she still love the man who fought by her side if she realized that zombies weren't the only monsters? Samantha would have to make a choice—and she only had till the next full moon

The Dead Lie Down by Sophie Hannah- A breathtaking novel of psychological suspense from the author of Little Face and The Wrong Mother Featuring the return of Sergeant Charlotte "Charlie" Zailer and DC Simon Waterhouse, The Dead Lie Down is another sophisticated, addictive read from the new mistress of the page-turner. Ruth Bussey once did something wrong-horribly wrong-and was nearly destroyed by her punishment. Now, she has tentatively rebuilt her life and unexpectedly found love with a man named Aidan Seed. But Aidan also has a secret-he killed someone years ago, a woman named Mary Trelease. Ruth's horror turns to confusion when she realizes that she knows Mary Trelease, and Mary is very much alive.

Strange Neighbors by Ashlyn Chase- He's looking for peace, quiet, and a little romance...
There's never a dull moment when hunky all-star pitcher and shapeshifter Jason Falco invests in an old Boston brownstone apartment building full of supernatural creatures. But when Merry MacKenzie moves into the ground floor apartment, the playboy pitcher decides he might just be done playing the field...

A girl just wants to have fun...
Sexy Jason seems like the perfect fling, but newly independent nurse Merry's not sure she's ready to trust him with her heart...especially when the tabloids start trumpeting his playboy lifestyle.

Then pandemonium breaks loose and Merry and Jason will never get it together without a little help from the vampire who lives in the basement and the werewolf from upstairs...

Discord's Apple by Carrie Vaughn-
When Evie Walker goes home to spend time with her dying father, she discovers that his creaky old house in Hope’s Fort, Colorado is not the only leg...more When Evie Walker goes home to spend time with her dying father, she discovers that his creaky old house in Hope’s Fort, Colorado is not the only legacy she stands to inherit. Hidden behind the old basement door is a secret and magical storeroom where wondrous treasures from myth and legend are kept safe unit they are needed again. The magic of the storeroom prevents access to any who are not intended to use the items.

Evie must guard the storeroom against ancient and malicious forces, protecting the past and the future even as the present unravels around them. Old heroes and notorious villains alike will rise to fight on her side or to undermine her most desperate gambits. At stake is the fate of the world, and the prevention of nothing less than the apocalypse.

Blood Law by Jeannie Holmes -
To stop a vampire killer, she’ll have to slay her own demons first.

A provocative and savvy vampire, Alexandra Sabian moves to the sleepy hamlet of...more To stop a vampire killer, she’ll have to slay her own demons first.

A provocative and savvy vampire, Alexandra Sabian moves to the sleepy hamlet of Jefferson, Mississippi—population 6,000, half vampires—to escape the demons lurking in her past. As an enforcer for the Federal Bureau of Preternatural Investigations (FBPI), Alex must maintain the uneasy peace between her kind and humans, including Jefferson’s bigoted sheriff, who’d be happy to see all vampires banished from town. Then really dead vamps start turning up—beheaded, crucified, and defanged, the same gruesome manner in which Alex’s father was murdered decades ago. For Alex, the professional has become way too personal.

Things get even more complicated when the FBPI sends in some unnervingly sexy backup: Alex’s onetime mentor, lover, and fiancé, Varik Baudelaire. Still stinging from the betrayal that ended their short-lived engagement, Alex is determined not to give in to the temptation that soon threatens to short-circuit her investigation. But as the vamp body count grows and the public panic level rises, Varik may be Alex’s only hope to stop a relentless killer who’s got his own score to settle and his own bloody past to put right.

Vote for the August YA Title!

Is it just me, or is the summer barreling by? It's hard to believe it's time already to pick the August books, but, indeed it's time to do just that. As always, descriptions are from Goodreads, the polls are in the sidebar, and vote for the book that YOU personally want to acquire, read and review! With that said, make sure to check library availability or shipping times if needed since we don't anyone left out this time around!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness-
Todd Hewitt is the last boy in Prentisstown.

But Prentisstown isn't like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts in a const...more Todd Hewitt is the last boy in Prentisstown.

But Prentisstown isn't like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts in a constant, overwhelming, never-ending Noise. There is no privacy. There are no secrets.

Or are there?

Just one month away from the birthday that will make him a man, Todd unexpectedly stumbles upon a spot of complete silence.

Which is impossible.

Prentisstown has been lying to him.

And now he's going to have to run...

GhostGirl by Tonya Hurley-
Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

And if I should die before I awake,

I pray the popular attend my wake.

Charlotte Usher feels ...more Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

And if I should die before I awake,

I pray the popular attend my wake.

Charlotte Usher feels practically invisible at school, and then one day she really is invisible. Even worse: she's dead. And all because she choked on a gummy bear. But being dead doesn't stop Charlotte from wanting to be popular; it just makes her more creative about achieving her goal.

If you thought high school was a matter of life or death, wait till you see just how true that is. In this satirical, yet heartfelt novel, Hurley explores the invisibility we all feel at some times and the lengths we'll go to be seen.

Generation Dead by Daniel Waters- Phoebe is just your typical goth girl with a crush. He's strong and silent...and dead.

Fangs for Freaks by Serena Robar-
We only accept certain people in my sorority-no fullblooded vampires allowed.

Psi Phi is just like any sorority on campus-except for the part about t...more We only accept certain people in my sorority-no fullblooded vampires allowed.

Psi Phi is just like any sorority on campus-except for the part about them being half-blood vampires. Colby Blanchard emancipated her fellow halfbloods and laid the smackdown for some wayneeded new laws, but things still aren't good. The Vampire Tribunal is dumping the newest pledges on her lawn...bound and gagged. And Thomas, her hunky vampire investigator boyfriend, is being a little too much of a gentleman.

Things aren't exactly cushy for the ladies at the Psi Phi house. One sister wants to return to her vegan lifestyle-while another is constantly poised for a fistfight. And royal bloodsucker Ileana Romanov thinks everyone is her personal butler. And to top it off, leaked info on the sisters' whereabouts is bringing on some ugly, unexpected attacks. Either someone in the Tribunal wants them dead, or there's a spy in the house, watching them day and night. Or if it's a full-blood, just night.

Blood Ninja by Nick Lake-
Is Taro, a fisherman's son, destined for greatness?In the course of a day, Taro's entire life changes: His father is murdered before his eyes, and Ta...more Is Taro, a fisherman's son, destined for greatness?In the course of a day, Taro's entire life changes: His father is murdered before his eyes, and Taro is taken by a mysterious ninja on a perilous journey toward safety. Someone wants Taro dead, but who -- and why? With his best friend, Hiro, and their ninja guide Shusaku, Taro gets caught in the crossfire of a bitter conflict between rival lords for control of imperial Japan. As Taro trains to become a ninja himself, he's less and less sure that he wants to be one. But when his real identity is revealed, it becomes impossible for Taro to turn his back on his fate.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Winner & New Look

First things first. One winner of Siren's Call by Devyn Quinn didn't claim. So I picked a new winner. Congrats...

devon said... In an ideal world, he could come with me into the sea (even Tom Hanks went with the mermaid at the end of Splash)...if not, then I'd stay with the guy if it was true love.

You've been email! Please respond in 48 hours. If I don't get a response, I will give away the last ARC in a twitter giveaway - which are just so much fun.

Next subject to tackle. The big FAIL of blogger and the BWB design. I have no idea what happened, but if you have been around here in the last couple of days, was a mess. I couldn't figure out what was wrong - it takes and throws the third column completely off the page no matter how much you expand. So I couldn't repair the other design - and tried to go with the new design framework that blogger has now, which also failed miserably last night. Finally figured it out that it is the settings for the amount of posts.

Those new little share features, and comments features, etc. at the footer of your posts have been upgraded and that is what seems to have ripped a new one in our blog. I had to go and switch from the default {7} posts which it is automatically putting - to {2} posts on there to stop the column blow out from happening.  So, if this happens to you guys, switch your blog to only show 2 posts and hopefully this will work.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

eBites - “Isaiah's Haven” by N. J. Walters

Blog with Bite would like to introduce you to eBites

Join the eCraze and showcase your "Can't Wait For" eBooks with this weekly meme. presents eBites a showcase for your digital reading addiction.  What eBook are you dying to take a bite of?

This meme will run every Wednesday. Combine it with your WOW or do a stand alone post...just bring it on. 

Blog With Bite

This weeks eBite is:

Bear Necessities by Dana Marie Bell

Bear Necessities: Halle Shifters, Book 1Bear Necessities by Dana Marie Bell
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance, erotica

To hold onto his love, he must release his beast.

Halle Shifters, Book 1

Once a Bear sets his mind on a mission, it’s best to stay out of his way. Alexander “Bunny” Bunsun is that Bear. Something’s not right with his cousin Chloe, and he’s come to Halle, PA, to sort it out, turn his Harley around and head home to Oregon. Until an enticing scent lures him into the local tattoo shop.

There she is. An inked, Southern-drawled she-Wolf with lime-green hair. His perfect mate.

Tabitha Garwood’s rotten day just got worse. Her Outcast status makes her a target for harassment with alarming regularity. And now, in the middle of a root touch-up, looking like a half-melted Skittle, she’s met her destined mate. The only upside? She finally has a protector in the form of a huge, tattooed, shaved-head Bear who vibrates with carefully restrained power.

When Chloe is left for dead and Tabby is threatened, only Alex can keep his growing family safe. Giving Tabby the loving home she needs, though, could come at a price—Alex must give up the control he’s worked a lifetime to attain.

Which means someone could die at the hands—and claws—of his beast.

Warning: This novel contains explicit sex, graphic language, a hunky Bear named Bunny and… Yes. I said a Bear named Bunny. I don’t know about you but I’m not brave enough to make fun of it.

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