Title: Faith Revisited
Author: Madelyn Ford
Page Count: 170 pages (pdf format)
Publisher: LooseID
Genre: paranormal romance
Copy for review provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
50 words or less: Bale thought he was stopping a demon attack on two innocent, human victims. What he didn't know was that Faith and Hope, twin soon-to-be vampires, are not only not human, but that Faith is about to become more of a tangle and more of a temptation than he had ever planned for.
Despite its relatively short length, Faith Revisited sets the stage for what certainly seems to be a fun, entertaining new PNR series. The characters are interesting and well drawn, the mythology of the story is complex and unique (which totally rings my bell) and the plot elements that remain to be resolved set up the next book very nicely.
The starring couple, Faith and Bale, are riveting and intense. The attraction between them is intense, although they both do a feeble job attempting to deny what's between them. Miscommunications abound, although once they both realize and accept that neither one of them is going anywhere, they both act like adults and problem solve their difficulties in a realistic way.
The secondary characters were interesting as well, and I definitely want to see what happens to them in future installments- especially Hope (who is her mate? Kash? Zeke? I must know!) and Charity (the werewolf superstar who I think is the heroine of the next book) and Penny (poor girl, people just dump on her for being loyal to the ones she loves. I hope her HEA is sweet as pie. Go Team Penny!)
There were a couple of small things that didn't quite work for me as a reader, but those are more general pet peeves with the written word than anything specific about the book itself. First- the switching back and forth between contractions and the different word pairings. It was hard to determine what voice was being used- formal or casual- and why. Second- the pacing in the beginning was a little choppy. There was an element of I-hate-you-I-need-you-I-reject-you-I-love-you-forever-and-ever-amen, but I have to say the second half of the book smoothed the story right out and the pace cooked along at a good clip.
Overall verdict? As the first book in a series, this one did a nice job of setting the stage for an interesting supernatural world. I'm interested to see what happens in the series from here.
Overall Grade: B+
BWB Rating: 3/4
I loved this book and the characters and, since I'm Mad's crit partner, I know the next installment is just as awesome.
Great review!
Sounds good to me! I'm glad you enjoyed the review. :D
Madelyn's voice is definitely unique. You'll like the Angels & Demons novella if you liked this one. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel. I'm halfway through Faith. I agree about the beginning choppiness, but quickly she found her voice. Great review as usual Em.
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