Thursday, March 18, 2010

Updates & Win a $10 Amazon Gift Card

Hey everyone just wanted to give some updates.

First off don't forget to enter our Evolve: Vampire Stories of the New Undead Giveaway!

Secondly, there will be a prize for the Top Reviewer this round! Woot Woot.
Please give a thankful round of applause for our BWB reviewer Julie from My Five Monkeys. Julie wants to reward the top reviewer with a $10 Amazon Gift Card!

It's a celebration of Julies ... Julie is giving a GC for the Julie Kagawa review...LOL (that just struck me)

This is not a giveaway, this is a competition, reviews will be judged on writing ability and content.  Here are the rules & judging guidelines:

  1. Winner of our the Top Reviewer award will receive a $10 Gift Card, provided by Julie. To thank her, you might want to become a follower of her blog - but this will not impact any judging..LOL
  2. To enter this competition, please submit a review of The Iron King through our Submit Review link above
  3. Deadline to enter your review is March 29th
  4. Blog with Bite banner must be placed on the review
  5. You can have written this review at any time in the past, just have your link ready and the banner on the post
Judging Guidelines:
  1. Judging will begin the day after all reviews are entered
  2. Judges are  Julie our Featured Reviewer and the Blog with Bite HBIC's Parajunkee, Tina & Emily
  3. Judges promise to comment on your review once they have read it.
  4. Like all past Top Reviewer judging, reviews are read through and the following criteria is taken into account:
    1. Is the review coherent and makes sense?
    2. Are there spelling errors & grammar issues?
    3. If the reviewer stated likes and dislikes did they give examples?
    4. Were you entertained by the review?
    5. Was there a Blog with Bite banner on the review?
If you have an questions, please comment and we will try our best to answer as soon as possible.

Thanks everyone, and I'm hoping this will be come a common occurrence with our group reviews.


Anonymous said...

Things just got serious. Now I need to find someone to buy me the book since it isn't at the library and I gave up book buying for Lent.

Thanks,ladies, for hosting and offering a great prize!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

rach-- I didn't realize that either with the Julie's ...Good luck to all those that enter it.

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Eep, I need to get caught up with Blog With Bite again! And, yay, I love Julie's blog. :D
I'll have to reread my copy of The Iron King and review it now...