Friday, March 26, 2010

HBIC Review Evolve- Vampire Stories of the Undead

Evolve-Vampire Stories of the New Undead

Edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and Written by Various Authors
Paperback 256 pages
Publisher: Edge Releasing September-2010

Review Posted by Tina at Tinasbookreviews

Book synopsis:
New Vampires have evolved, and they are coming for you! Kelly Armstrong, Tanya Huff and twenty-two other dark fantasy and horror writers come together to re-imagine the future of vampires in this new collection of all-original short fiction – one of the most unusual and original vampire anthologies ever assembled.

Memorable Quote:

The moon, he says let us fly there, build our own dark cities on its unseen face, rest in its comforting shadow.
Taken from Let In The Night by Sandra Kasturi --- pg.14


In the opening pages Nancy Kilpatrick introduces us to the book, Im not one for back- flips on intros and forwards, but I actually found myself loving Nancy’s. There was so much great info on the history of entertainment Vampires, after reading the intro I felt I had received a crash course on books and movies 101.

I loved that the beginning opened with poetry and the end closed with yearning for more.

Evolve contains 24 bloody snippets of tantalizing stories to water your mouth. The authors who share with us little tastes of their work defiantly brought different flavor to the modern day vampire. You can find a bit of everything in these stories including musical, sadistic, depressed and hard core vamps. You can stumble upon the sexy, ugly, tough and weird- and not only do the stories contain creepy elements but also new ideas that give the vampire genre a fresh face.

My favorite story by far was Sandra Wickham’s Mamma’s Boy ( a freaky little tidbit of a human woman giving birth to her vampire child) coming in at a pithy four pages I wanted so much more – I’m hoping Ms. Wickham takes this story and makes it fabulous!! Not to say I loved every story some were very confusing and weird- for instance- The Drinker by Victoria Fisher which left me with more questions than interest or Colleen Anderson’s An Ember Amongst the Fallen which left me more disturbed than intrigued by Buer’s character, he was a confusing nasty.

Overall I enjoyed the entire collection, it was just enough to pique my interest but not fully form in depth thoughts on the stories or authors. For sure I’m interested to read more about Zoe in Kelly Armstrong’s Otherworld Series and interested to check out more of the other authors work including Tanya Huff and Jerome Stueart.


Evolve contains various stories of blood, murder, mayhem, sex and language-suitable for adult readers.
BWB Score- 3/4
Thanks to Edge and Hades Publishing for Review Copy