Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Iron King Discussion Questions

 1. What did you think of the feud between Puck and Ash? How do you think that might play out in the next two books?

2.  Favorite scene or line from the book? Could you relate to any of the characters?

3. With whom did you identify with the most? And Why?

4. Did you find the concept behind the Iron King-  being  a technology fueled modern day faerie-  original or unbelievable?

5. Kagawa used a lot of mythical faeries in The Iron King, such as King Oberon, Queen Mab and Puck. Which fae from myth would you have liked to have seen added into the pages of The Iron King besides the ones she used?


Mandyfish said...

The review for this book is due on the 29th, right? I just got ahold of the book today and would like to try to make the review.

Wings said...

March 29 right?

Emily said...

Yep ladies, March 29th is the deadline. Happy reading!

Wings said...

oooh thank goodness...

i thought the discussion questions went up the day before...