Friday, November 5, 2010

Dark Time an HBIC Review

Dark Time: Mortal Path Book 1 by Dakota Banks

PJVs QUICKIE POV: Plunged into an emotional roller coaster from the onset - Dark Time had me entertained and enthralled. Besides a slightly stand-offish heroine the book rocked and I can't wait to read the follow-up.

REVIEW: In the 17th century a pregnant woman, healer, wife and innocent is taken from her home, thrown in prison and accused of being a witch. She has done nothing wrong - accused by a woman who was rejected by her husband. As her body burns on the stake she screams to live - the only thing that hears her is an ancient Sumerian Demon.

Selling her soul for another chance at life, Susannah becomes the Black Ghost - a murderer - her master, a demon intent on chaos and evil.

It takes centuries for her to tire of her evil ways, but when she is asked to kill an infant, Susannah is stopped cold by her guilt and knows that she can't go forward with her life. Her choices are to suffer at the hands of her demon for eternity or to right the wrong she has done - balance the scale, so-to-speak. She chooses to balance and so doing so redefines herself, becomes Maliha Crayne and begins the daunting tasks of rectifying thousands of deaths that were caused because of her.

Emotional and well-written, Banks' voice is poetic and speaks to the reader. She has a descriptive voice that purrs and flows off the page. You can't put this book down.

The only flaw I saw with this book was the main character's aloofness, she was hard to relate to. Almost untouchable. It was great reading about her, but it was hard to care about her. I did in the end, care for her, but she was a tough nut to crack. I think for the second book with the establish character connection, I will enjoy it even more.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Adult novel, there is violence and some very heavy topics.

No Mercy by Sherrilyn Kenyon
How did PJ get this book?
From the Publisher

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Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

I'm halfway through this book and I am enjoying it.
I love the idea and the premise of thisbook and it is quite good thus far.
The only think I'm not crazy about, is that we didn;t really got to find a little bit more about what Susannah was before she became the Black Ghost and that it goes back and forth a lot. It makes it a little difficult to feel completely for the character and what she is going through.
I think I'd like a little more description in emotional scenes to make me feel for her better...
But I havent finished it yet, so I might change my mind! :)

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Yep... I need to get to this series. It's taunting me from my tbr!!!