Title: Lucifer's Daughter
Author: Eve Langlais
Page count: 79 pages (pdf format)
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Genre: paranormal romance
Copy for review provided by the author in anticipation of an honest review
50 words or less: Being the virgin daughter of the Prince of Darkness, with an army of succubi for sisters, is not easy. Muriel is trying her best to have her own, sort-of normal life, when Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome walks into her bar. You can guess how the joke ends, too!
Lucifer's Daughter is a fun, carefree story about a down-to-earth girl trying to navigate family drama, land herself a man worth having (who would have thought that the daughter of Lucifer is waiting for love before she gets romantically involved?) and get her career going. Muriel (well, Satania, but that would kind of give away her parentage, which is something she tries to avoid) loves karaoke, is devoted to her bar, which is rapidly becoming a supernatural hotspot,) and has a sassy narrative voice that drew me right into the story from the first page.
What with being the ruler of Hades and all that, you'd think that Muriel's dad would be kind of distant and uninvolved, but you'd be very, very wrong. Turns out Lucifer is kind of a busybody when it comes to his children, and has lots of pointers on how Muriel can be more evil- especially when it comes to her virginal status.
Could it be.....SATAN?! Sorry folks, I had to.
Anyway, when Auric, a mysterious stranger, and two of his friends come into Muriel's bar, her motor starts running, and she starts thinking that he might be the one that finally meets her criteria for being The One. Turns out Auric has some secrets of his own, too, and those cause a lot of conflict between these two. Seeing these two overcome their differences and learn to love each other was sweet and satisfying (for Muriel's dad too, since the two will be living in sin!)
My only issue with the book, and it's a small one, don't worry, is that the love scenes seemed a little...out of place...with the rest of this story. I was so into the groove and the pace of the story that even though the relationship between Muriel and Auric fit right in, I was anxious to get back to the rest of the story and find out what was up with the plot to take over hell and all the other story elements. Having to pause so these two could get sinful disrupted the pacing a little bit.
Other than that, though, this is a fun story all the way around, and one I definitely enjoyed!
Overall Grade: B+
BWB Rating: 3/4
Sounds like a good read! I haven't heard of this book. I'm going to check it out!
Great review Emily. I really hate saying this...but Satan was great in this book, LOL.
He totally was! When he grounded Muriel I literally LOLed. The characters were definitely the high point of the story. :D
Great review! I love the picture of Dana Carvey.
Hee it sounds like a pretty enjoyable and naughty book! lol
Thanks for the review!
Thanks for the great review and the even nicer comments.
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