When reading this story I went to this video and this story reminded me of this video. It was fun .
Muriel is the daughter of Satan, and still a virgin at 23. She runs a bar and likes Karaoke music. She is one of many daughters of Satan and also the most tame. Murial is also very strong female and so different from her other busty beautiful looking sisters.
She meet Auric and is attracted to him on the first night. Over the course of the week , they keep running into one another and deal with some bad guys in the process. They have a fast courtship , and loved that they were both honest with each other. Auric was the perfect man , and loved that he would do what ever he could for Muriel.
Loved that Auric watched and protected over Murial when he didn't have too.
Loved the sexy scenes , and the humor of Satan. This was a novella.
Book Review=4/B
Thanks for the author for the book and this is my Honest Review
Thanks Julie. Glad you enjoyed it.
Wasn't he great! I really liked how they had a few things between them - you know the whole Lucifer's daughter thing - but they moved quickly past that like adults. It kept the novella moving and interesting with no frustrating moments ;)
Good review Julie.
I read and loved this book. I thought the video was very funny and did go with the book nicely. lol
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