Blog with Bite would like to present
L.M. Pruitt has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember. A native of Florida, with a love of New Orleans, she has the uncanny ability to find humor in most things, and would probably kill a plastic plant. She is the author of Shades of Gray: A Jude Magdalyn Novel, the first in the Jude Magdalyn Series. She is currently at work on Shades of Desire, the second novel in the series, as well as New Moon Rising, a new series featuring Cari Gravier.L.M. Pruitt's Blog.

-the main character, Jude Magdalyn
-there would be vampires
-it would be set in New Orleans
I'm going to focus on that last one, New Orleans. It would seen trite and cliched and terribly overdone to set a vampire story in New Orleans. Anne Rice did it. Sherilyn Kenyon did it. Probably who knows how many others (now there's a trivia question for you--but I digress) have done it. Why throw my hat into an overpopulated ring?
First, why not? I like a challenge. Second, New Orleans is quite possibly my favorite city in the world. Granted, I haven't been to all that many cities, but when the best way to describe a place is "second home", you don't need to visit a slew to make sure. Third, and most important (for world building purposes), New Orleans has an immense historical paranormal background.
Gather round the campfire. But you have to bring your own s'mores.
Most people know that the original colonists of New Orleans were less then reputable members of society--thieves, rapists, murderers, you get the drift. Despite their lack of social graces, they had the same desire that most men do. No, not a beer. A woman.
Seems like there'd be an easy fix--send over the less than reputable women. Except the women kept running away with the natives. So the French government as the brilliant idea to send over reputable middle class girls. Properly dowered by the Church, full parental blessing.
All the girls' belongings, conveniently transported in large, rectangular boxes bearing a strong resemblance to caskets, sat on the dock for weeks. Until the sisters of the Ursuline Convent took them and placed them on the third floor. Where they remained under lock and key and behind tightly closed shutters.
Three guesses what most people, even to this day, think are on the third floor. And it ain't linens.
Fascinating by itself. But what if those caskets weren't just boxes, but the vampire equivalent of Purgatory? I mean, what better place to keep the bogeyman than under Church protection. The shutters nailed shut with nails blessed by an archbishop. All bases covered.
But then what happens when one "prisoner" gets out, not once, but twice? And then he lets everyone else out?
To find the answer to those questions, you'll have to check out the sequel to Shades of Gray, Shades of Desire, available on Amazon November 2 and on Kindle by Halloween.
Thanks to Rachel and all the staff at blogwithbite. Don't forget to leave your name in the comment section for a chance to win a signed copy of Shades of Gray AND Shades of Desire. Happy Halloween--and happy reading!
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