Friday, April 16, 2010

Vampires & Music...

We are featuring Vampires & Voodoo Princesses this week on Blog with Bite, so when I was invited to view this music video I thought I would share.  Vampires are definitely a hot ticket item right now, even my grandmother is probably now aware of who Edward Cullen is (I might be pushing it on that one, I'll have to ask at the next fam party).

So, you have a song, randomly about that you can't sleep at night, so yeah add vampires? Vampires are selling, so this will get more attention? Or is this just rockin' and it is an awesome video. Personally to me this was very reminiscent of the Victoria / Woods Scenes (might be the fur coats, oh and the woods), with the stop-motion technique they used.  That was my favorite scene from the New Moon movie, the technique they used with the bird flying over the woods and she was running...nevermind getting all fangirl.

Watch the video, and go enter to win Dusk by Lana Griffin (click the button below), everyone needs a little more voodoo in their life!